Private Profile Data and Unique Identifiers

The Medical Coding Preparatory® does not collect emails or personal information through our website.  We use the AWS Amazon mailing services to communicate with our clients for notifications and advertising.  The system has an opt-out function for those who wish to be removed from our mailing lists.  Any information within the system is for the Medical Coding Preparatory® notifications and marketing.  No private email information collected within the Medical Coding Preparatory® system is never sold or provided to a third party.



The Medical Coding Preparatory® websites and emailing process does not use cookies to identify specific users.     

Information You Provide to Us

Any information provided to Medical Coding Preparatory is used only for approved transactions and sales.  The information is not kept for any reason after a sale transaction is completed.  

AHIMA may from time to time provide personal information with companies that perform services on our behalf, for example, contacting customers who have let their membership lapse. Our service providers are required to protect the confidentiality of the information we provide to them and they may not use it on their own behalf.


Choice to Opt-Out

Our mailing service has an opt-out link with each email.  At any time that you wish to discontinue email communications, you may select the opt-out.  If the opt-out function fails and you continue to get emails, please contact us directly at


If you do not choose opt-out, or your do not notify us and you are in our email database, we assume you wish to receive our email notifications.

If you have any questions regarding the privacy, Opt-out and Opt-in Website policies, practices, or transactions please notify us at:



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